Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Imogen's spring update

Hi all,

this collection of photos and videos is a total mish mash of stuff over the past couple of months. There is the annual pic of the 3 of us by the cherry tree on her birthday. Imogen is definately growing at a better rate. However, reading the tag on the tree, it will reach 4 metres in 20 years and will likely pass Immie at some stage (hare and tortoise). £27.50 we paid for the tree prior to her 1st birthday. Wouldn't have remembered that but the price tag is still on.

There's some videos of her birthday party, grandad getting eaten by a goat, going it alone on a whoop-de-doop slide and dancing at the holiday park.

In the photos are pics of our trip away in the caravan with neighbours and other stuff.

See y'all.

Immie's bithday cakes made by Laura and Shaz.

Party video.

Pickering railway station. Spot Immie in red.

With cousins, Emma and Ben and Nanny
Immie and best friend Lucy on hols.

Set for a night of dancin'!

Someone push mummy of the cliff!

WPC Dyson (there is no such thing as WPC anymore as it's not politically correct- wpc is not pc)

Eat him alive, Billy! Video

Imogen's new electric Hummer jeep.

Dancing with Mummy. Video

Immie's first solo slide. Video

Grandma and Grandad came on hols with us

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